Rolling festival 2020

Rolling Festival  - almost as usual!

This years rolling festival was very different from other years. First, we changed the dates and second corona hit us, so we had to make even more changes. Dubside wasn't able to leave USA and for a while we didn't know whether or not we could run the event at all. In the end we landed on an event where we cut out beginner and intermediate rolling sessions, added a paddle making class and strokes classes and had Bjørn Hesthamar doing a presentation on the Thule region in North of Greenland. So in the end it all turned out so well. The event was smaller so we held the classes 2 minutes from the Chapel on our local river. Instructors this year was Jon David Jensen, Jannie Heegaard and Anders Thygesen. 

Bjørn and Jakob. The Chapel in the background.

Jon David doing land drills for rolling.

Jannie going through fundamentals

Morning yoga with Charlotte

Advanced rolling class with Jon David.

Jon David in his beautiful skin-om-frame kayak built with Anders.

Randi rolling / Static bracing

Strokes class

The paddle making class

Bjørn Hesthamar, lives in Tromsø - loves the arctic. 

A big thank you to all the participants you give so much back to us with all your good spirits and positive energy. We hope to see you all again :). And Dubside - we missed you especially!
Yes... it's a NWP Dubpaddle :)!

Somewhere north a long the road.

Thank you from Anders and Jannie :)

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