How old friendship can be revitalized through a kayak building class - a tale about building a kayak by Bjørn Hesthammer, Tromsø
These words are actually more about friendship than kayaks, even though the kayaks plays a vital role in the story. This story actually started 35 years ago, when some of us first met. As pretty normal, we first met through work and found that we shared some of the same interests and values, and step by step a lifelong friendship evolved. Since we first met here in Tromsø, up in Northern Norway in the mid 1980-ies, we have spent a lot of time together, mainly related to outdoor activities. As old buddies also do, we meet for a beer or two and some good food every now and then. What has struck us over the last years though, is that when we meet, we gradually talk more about things we have done, than actually doing new things together.
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Anders:"In a good week from now you will all have finished your own kayak, pretty similar to this one". Yeah, sure!.. |
That was the seed that grew to the idea of asking Anders Thygesen at Kajakkspesialisten if he was willing to give a kayak building class for the 6 of us. Anders is a good friend of mine, and he has already built both kayaks and a baidarka for me. He immediately responded very positive and prepared what turned out to be a golden memory for all of us.
The 6 of us showed up at “The chapel” a Sunday morning at 10 a.m. With a big cup of coffee and a warm smile Anders gathered us around one of his finished kayaks. –Next Sunday you will all have built a Greenland inspired kayak pretty similar to this, he said, before we introduced each other. Yeah, sure! It was a beauty, and we all considered it out of our reach to make something looking even close to it.
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It all has a beginning... |
Day by day the pride in
the group grew as well. We saw pretty complex frame structures coming
together, and when finally covered with skin, painted and outfitted
we all were both surprised and proud of actually having done this
ourselves. Just as Anders promised a good week ago.
During this week we mentally switched between our individual micro projects focusing 100% on “my kayak” and at the same time came even closer as a group of old friends, equally interested of sharing experiences and helping the others to finish their kayaks as well. The week wouldn’t be such a success if not all of us were more than willing to give a hand when the guy next to you struggled.
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After 4 days working long hours we started believing we actually would end up with our own made kayaks |
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Frames oiled, ready for skinning. And time for a beer! |
Just before embarking the plane at Oslo Airport I asked some of the guys to summarize the week in just three sentences. The core of their feedback was “Inspiring”, “The pride of being able to build something as complex myself”, “The good atmosphere really brought us close”, “This was my best vacation ever”, “My hopes and expectations were more than met”, “Great people, this really underline why we have been friends for so long”.
Thanks guys, let’s go for another 35 years
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6 friends, 6 frames, one chapel |
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Time to run to catch the train to the airport. The kayaks will follow in a few days. We can’t wait testing them. The big question; will we all fit into them?? |