Last kayak class this year!

Now look at all these deeply concentrated people! First week of December was the last real work week of my 2014! 6 people from all over the country gathered in the chapel to build 6 different kayaks. 2 Iqyax, 3 modrate south Greenland style roll/play kayaks and one extreme rolling kayak.

There was such a great spirit! Thanks to everyone for contributing with good work spirit, intelligence and humor! More pictures in Øyvinds web page:

Exhausted as always after such a week of marathon work, I and my good helper Odd Erik started building two beautiful kayaks on Tuesday after the class already. One moderately long and narrow Iqyax and one skinny little rolling qajaq! Such great fun to "just build something". hope to use them on the water very soon.

My great hopes for next week will be a bit of paddling! I hope I can make it.


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