Qajaq and ixyaq build Delmarwa part II

We finished all the wood during Friday. John Huber came up from Norfolk Virginia to help out with the class. 3 pairs of hands is luxury when lots of thing needs to be taken care of.

The bird cage is the kayak building site here at Delmarwa. We set up workbenches, sawhorses, tools and all, and during Friday afternoon most of the kayak builders showed up.

One thing we hadn't figured out was the masik question. It was solved by finding crocked trunks and branches in the woods and cutting them into finished masiks. It's so cool to have people like John around! 

Now by the end of day 2 it begins to look an awfully lot like qajaqs and ixyaqs in the birdcage. We'll try to post some pictures when we have time. 

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