
January is cold and dark. Perfect time to spend time indoors, doing all the desk tasks necessary to run a small company. Accounting and planning, to mention some. I've been very productive now and then in the shop too, trying to keep up with the still greater demand for wooden Greenland style paddles from all over the world.

Alongside production, I did 3 classes on paddle making also. It's always great fun and very pleasing to be with a group of people and do something together. Most of them have no woodworking skills or experience at all. And still they all manage to make very fine paddles.

2 classes in Norway:

..and 1 in Copenhagen, Denmark:

If I did my job right, there will be some 34 ambassadors of Greenland style paddling around very soon :). Some will be followed up later with paddle technique classes. And then today, I finally pulled myself together and edited some clips from a 22. December Solstice paddle in 2018. Despite impatience with new software, it went OK - judge for yourself!

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