Day 4 and 5 - end of woodwork.
All good things come to an end they say. Or goes to something else, one could say in this case.
Yesterday I was just too tired to write or do anything after the class had ended 8 in the evening :). Woodwork is about over. All 8 frames are oiled, or about to be oiled at the moment. The cockpits are done, and are in different stages of sanding/varnishing.
The floor has been swept, and the early starters, Hans Olav, Turid and Jørn, has already started covering their kayaks.
Karin and Martin come from Stockholm, Sweden. Martin works as IT project manager, and Karin works at the university as a researcher. The both enjoy long kayaking trips in Scandinavia and abroad. I met them last summer, and since they got interested in Greenland rolling, They immediately joined this class to build themselves some beautiful Greenland style rolling kayaks.
We'll end the work early today and go to the water and do some actual paddling. Jannie and I will do some kayak safety demo, and hope someone will join and take a swim.